Trees and Shrubs

Trees & Shrubs

 hardy hydrangeas at southview greenhouseblooming weigela shrub at southview greenhouse

We carry trees and shrubs in all different shapes, sizes, colours, and textures, with different strengths, adaptability, seasonal interest and function.  Perhaps you are looking to add curb appeal to your home, create privacy from a neighbor, brighten up a shady location, prevent erosion, attract birds, grow hardy fruit, refresh an existing landscape, or transform a new property. 

Landscape professionals and realtors alike can testify the value of using trees and shrubs to transform an outdoor space. Not only will you see an immediate enhancement, it’s the investment that grows each year.

We are also able to order in larger size, quantities, and selections of plants upon request and availability.  This can be helpful for landscape businesses or customers with professional landscape designs.  

We offer a one year warranty on all our hardy trees and shrubs* or a five year warranty when you purchase and plant with Myke.  This is a chemical-free growth supplement that increases the roots ability to uptake water and nutrients, which also helps it to resist stress and disease.